
Day 31 (29)

1:50pm - Phone Call Asher’s having a great day!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 His feedings have been increased to 4mL/hr. He’s currently laying on his belly, his favorite position :) His belly is feeling really
by Matthew Hamel

Day 27 (28/3)

10:15am - Phone Call Another really good night for Asher!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 They have stopped the diuretic treatment as his fluids have begun to balance themselves out. No more swelling… He’s got his neck
by Matthew Hamel

Day 24 (28)

6:30pm - Hospital Here’s a quick video of our little journey to Asher’s bed… New video format. Androids and PC’s were not playing any of the other videos. Hope this works!
by Matthew Hamel