8:19pm – Hospital

Asher’s had some wins today!

He now weighs 2,285g AKA 5lbs .06oz 🙌🏻

The CT scan of his head today show improvement from the last surgery and shunt installation. No additional surgery as of now 🙌🏻

He has a head ultrasound on Wednesday to follow up…

His length is 17 1/8”…

His PICC was removed which means he’s not on any meds!! Plus he can take a normal bath now! 😍

He’s tolerating full feeds well (@ 45mL/hr). He was having some residuals and a small round of emesis (vomiting) this morning. We think we might know why…

They adjusted the flow of his shunt from 1 to 2 earlier this evening because it was draining too much fluid. Since the CSF is draining directly to his stomach, it would make sense that the excess CSF could possibly cause the vomiting. We’ll confirm with Neuro over the next few days…

    2 replies to "Day 87 (36/6)"

    • debbieroll1@yahoo.com

      PRAISE GOD!!!!

    • amandalecce

      Way to go, Asher!

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