Asher’s recovery is starting to make a turn for the better…

His ET tube has been removed!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

He’s now weighing 4lbs 12.89oz (2,180g)…

No lung issues…

He’s off of all pain meds and is currently in mommy’s arms 😍

We’re a few days away from having the PICC line removed…

He’s back up to 30mL/hr feeds…

Asher does have a CT scan scheduled for Monday. This is the scan that will determine if he’ll need surgery for the left side of his brain. If his brain is good, we’re good. If it’s not, we’d prefer to have the surgery done now before he goes home to have the benefit of his same team working on him and with him…

We can breathe a little easier today…

God is good…

For reference, here’s a rough sketch of what the cyst looked in the MRI before surgery:

    3 replies to "Day 85 (36/4)"



    • amandalecce

      Thank you Jesus!

    • gaellecce

      Asher has a special place in God’s heart. I am so very grateful for His blessing us with this sweet miracle baby. Asher your GG loves you so much.

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