Last Night

Watching the tears flow from Asher’s eyes shortly after surgery without the sounds of a normal baby crying, without movement, without facial expression…

Heavily sedated with two more scars in the works while he rides the vent…

This is hard…

But we agreed to this part when we said “do everything you can to save his life”…

And even still, God is good…

12:22pm – Hospital

All things considered, Asher did really well over night. This mornings X-ray showed that his left lung is collapsed and full of fluid…

They’ve been able to ween down some of his bed settings (temperature)…

He’s still heavily sedated and will more than likely stay in this state for a complete 48 hours. Keeping him still and away from his urge to rip his ET tube out is the best case scenario right now…

They’ll start him back up on feeds this afternoon at a rate of 10mL/feed. Dr Lipsky said that she’s considering giving him a diuretic to reduce some of his swelling…

Dr Bragg came by this morning to check on him. His head is still super soft and the incision is doing well. They did a CT scan and just completed another X-ray to confirm shunt placement…

He can currently lay midline or on his left side. Dr Bragg told us and Kelly that after his incision heals we need to incrementally work on getting him to sleep on his right side where the shunt is to start building up a kind of tolerance. The nice thing about him favoring his left side right now is that it’ll round out his head because he’s been favoring the right up to this point…

There are also talks of extubating him in the next 24 hours. It’s all on Asher’s ABG, his tolerance of support, and the reversal of his left lung being collapsed…

The fact that they told us he’d be out for at least 12 hours after surgery but woke up anyways an hour later tells us that he’s a fighter…

Asher responds well to Dr Lipsky pushing him. She fights, he fights, until Asher says otherwise. Her aggressive approach has brought about so many great results. We truly appreciate it…

We’re gonna take Aiden to Dave n Busters tonight hoping that all three of us can have a decent meal and decompress, even if it’s just for a few moments of shooting zombies and racing motorcycles…

We’re thankful for all of your prayers and the support we’ve received…

We are truly blessed in all things…

    4 replies to "Day 83 (36/2)"

    • gaellecce

      He is my warrior and my love bug. God and Asher got this!

    • amandalecce

      I love you, Asher 💙


      Love this sweet boy so much!

    • Fishmanetc


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