
PICC line has started. 

Monica’s BP is still up and down, but her swelling is coming way down. We have appt with her OB today at 1pm to review progress. 


PICC line was a success. No complications. 

They ran the line through his right foot. 

The put the bilirubin light back on him today. His jaundice levels went back to previous day levels. 


Asher is having a great day! 

Oxygen is 37%, hasn’t changed. Great blood gas. X-rays look great. 

He tolerated the PICC line well. The Venus line in his belly is removed tonight. Second line will be removed after labs tomorrow. 

Feeding has begun 🙂 

(He’s had two feedings as of 5pm today. No poop yet.)

They’ll do 1cc/4 hours for 2 days. If he does well, they’ll do it every 3 hours after. 

Blood pressure is good and still regulating in its own. Still off dopamine. 

His belly is nice and soft (no concerns for NEC at this time) If he doesn’t have a bowel movement after feeding him they will give him a glycerin enema. 

They dropped his humidity to 75%. 

Monica’s follow up appt went well. Dr said the incision looks great. Will do additional follow up in a month. 

BP was 127/74 🙌🏻🙌🏻

We have to wait 18 months to try for another baby. Dr wants Monica’s health a priority and “in order” before trying again. Next pregnancy will be 36 weeks max. She will not be able to go full term. Guaranteed C Section. 

They want to run labs to find out if two pre term pregnancies are a fluke or if there’s something that is causing them.

Nana was able to visit yesterday too!