2:00pm – Hospital

Today’s news is the best we’ve heard yet…

Dr Lipsky told us that there is a slight chance that Asher may be able to come home in as little as two weeks as long as he stays the course!

Dr Bragg said that there hasn’t been any changes with CSF levels in his brain. She agreed that it would be safe for him to come home and grow 😍

The reservoir in his head will stay because neuro will want to see him every week once we get home. From the moment, the reservoir will stay indefinitely until neuro says it’s safe to remove…

The shunt conversation is still on the table, merely postponed…

His O2 has been weaned down to 1L at 30%. He’s getting SOOOO CLOSE to room air…

His bone marrow has kicked itself into overdrive, thus raising his hemoglobin levels on their own and not needing another blood transfusion. When all babies are born, they’re anemic. The anemia is the ignition for the bone marrow to start producing cells. When you give a baby a transfusion, it keeps the bone marrow dormant until they become anemic again…

Intelligent Design… what an amazing thing to witness!

    3 replies to "Day 77 (35/3)"

    • debbieroll1@yahoo.com

      God, you alone get all of the glory!!!!🙌🙌🙌

    • gaellecce

      One day at a time. But this is such great news. We are all so very thankful. To God be the glory. Hallelujah❤❤

    • amandalecce

      Thank you Lord for the miracle of our sweet Asher 💙

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