Good morning mom and dad! I’ll keep this short and sweet because I had another awesome night!

Nurse Kelly came to check on me several times and made sure I was A-okay…I told her not to worry but she still poked in on me several times!

I packed on some more weight and am getting closer and closer to that big 4# milestone!

I now weigh 1730 (up 20 more grams), 3lbs 13oz!!!
My head and belly are the same with no change, I really like being fed like this, my tummy feels good and full (in a good way 😉) and I just right to sleep afterward!

I love love love my high flow O2, I am way more comfortable and tolerating the change well! This is the best! No wonder you guys wanted me to wean down to this! It’s awesome! 😎

Can’t wait for more snuggles today!
Love you lots and lots!
Asher 💙
P.s.- I got so comfy in my snuggle up, I hid my face and everything!

11:01am – Hospital: First Feeding Attempt

Brady, Desat, no go 🙁 

He was too tired to wake up so the Speech Therapist said that we’d try again tomorrow. She doesn’t want to force him to feed for the risk of him aspirating… 

This part of the journey will take some time and patience. We’ll be back tomorrow at 2nd round of cares to try again… 

His palette is really high, which is expected. If he were still in utero, he’d be sucking and swallowing, which brings his palette down (mainly from the sucking)…

The work that his Speech Therapy nurse will be doing with us during this period will help to bring his palette down to where it needs to be 😎

Everything else is going well…

Asher’s still hisatting with his hi flow and is now down to 28%…

See you for tomorrow’s update!

    1 Response to "Day 73 (34/6)"

    • gaellecce

      I thought he would do so well with the nipple since he loves bink so much. Maybe he needed to awake and a little hungry. I’m not a nurse so I don’t know, just the GG in me. I was talking to the video here at work and got quite an audience. Heehee.

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