“Guess what mom and dad! I got 2 gold stars in a row ⭐️⭐️!! I had another fantastic night! I was so good! I had so much fun on our visit last night together…my favorite part is a three way tie between watching mom squirm and giggle while I had a major blowout 💩💩as she was changing my diaper 😂 gotcha mom 😜, dad laughing the whole time at mom, and my snuggle time with mom (those are the best!) oh and not to mention my 2 month birthday party celebration…I’m really getting old aren’t I hehe!
After you left I passed out till my next cares! Nurse Kelly was able to wean my O2 down once again to 28% and kept it that way alllllllll night!! Aren’t ya proud of me!?!?! What’s even better is that my gas this morning was terrific and we weaned my rate down even more and are down to 30! 🙌🏻
My tummy feels great (I mean duh after that big 💩) but Im also still liking my feedings and doing great with those!
My head still looks and feels good…Dr. Bragg should be in to see me today and look at my pictures they took yesterday and make a plan.
My eye exam didn’t happen this morning, it may happen later today they tell me or maybe even tomorrow morning
Anyway that’s all for now, I’m super excited for my favorite night of the week! Bath time!!! 🛁
Love you both so much! Can’t wait for more snuggles today!
Asher 💙