7:41am – Phone Call: Hospital

Asher’s PICC line had a block in it so we had to give consent for a new line to be put in…

If he wasn’t on all these antibiotics they wouldn’t have even replaced the PICC line…

Dr Lipsky said that this is the best she’s ever seen Asher look. He’s currently high satting on his lowest levels of respiratory support (12/6 on pressure, 32% fiO2 at 40bpm). His head is nice & soft, the circumference is in normal ranges, and he’s been tolerating his feeds thus far.

They have him NPO from replacing the PICC line but will start feeds again later on today. Feed volume will be increasing to 7mL/hr today as well.

The antibiotic treatment for his left cerebral ventricle is complete…

He weighed in last night at 1,540g (3lbs 6.32oz) for a 40 gram increase. He’s going to be 4lbs before we know it!! (Big enough for the car seat we have for him 😬)

I spoke with Dr Bragg and she said that all of the taps had gone well. During the 5 day treatment, she pulled 5-7mL of fluid/day. The initial tap showed some blood and residue. But by the 5th tap, it was pretty much non existent…

She also believes that the white blood cells are coming from the blood products he’s been on. The reason: still negative for infection with zero cultures…

Praise God for it all! Today we breathe…

    7 replies to "Day 63 (33/3)"

    • GG

      Good job Asher. Love the blanket.

    • Asher’s Grandma Rebecca

      God is so good! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Asher is so precious, I can hardly wait for him to come home so I can hold him. ❤️🥰🤱🏻 Grandma loves you Asher ❤️❤️

    • Titi Crystal

      Oh hello new blanket! 😍 Gosh I can’t wait to meet my incredible nephew!

    • Auntie Amanda

      Such a great report….thank you Lord!

      • Karla Barnes

        Such great news! Gods hands are in every step!

    • Kelly Maxfield

      That is the best news ever!!!!! He is so so strong, look at him go!!!!!! You are definitely his daddy!!! He gets it from you I think. Maybe mama too but I don’t know her. She must be strong also😀.❤️❤️❤️❤️ he’s strong and smart like his daddy.

    • Pat

      We believed it all along. Good boy Asher! Can’t wait to meet you.❤️. Get rest Monica & Matt.

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