7:01am – Text Message


Good morning mom and dad! I had a great night! I decided to make party hour a little earlier than usual and woke ready to rage at 330, only I was pretty fussy and being a “grumpice” so nurse Kelly had to keep my video message short and sweet today.
My gases were excellent tonight and got to wean my settings down to pressures of 21/6 and Nurse Kelly got my O2 down to 29%! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 (my next gas will be around 11am)
I didn’t need any meds to calm me down just extra loving and tlc!
No 💩 tonight so hopefully I’ll work it out on day shift 😜
My head and belly both look really good this morning and I’m still tolerating my feedings like a champ!
I’m up to 1500 grams which is 3lbs 4.9oz 🐷
I had so much fun during bath time again last night…I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite night of the week!
Can’t wait for more snuggles with you today!
Love you lots and lots
Asher 💙

1:40pm – Hospital

The last few days have been rough…

Yesterday was a far more positive day. The stress from his surgery and his bumpy recovery has definitely taken a toll on the quality of our sleep…

As of right now, Asher will have a full week of rest without any major events until next Tuesday’s eye exam…

He started back on feeds two days ago and he’s back up 8mL/hr. Today is day 4 of the antibiotic treatment being delivered directly to his brain through the reservoir. One more day, then they’ll schedule the next imaging exam (CT, MRI, Ultrasound)…

The eye Dr said yesterday that Asher’s ROP has advanced to stage 3. According to everyone here, he’s REALL conservative when he gives a diagnosis…

If they have to go up consistently on his oxygen, they will schedule an eye exam sooner…

Everything else is stable right now…

Thank God for rest…

We’re starting to feel it…

Anywho, enjoy bath time from last night 😍


    4 replies to "Day 61 (33/2)"

    • Auntie Amanda

      Love you, sweet Asher 💙

    • GG

      Hi my love bug. I have missed seeing you. You are my movie star. Give mommy and daddy extra snuggles today. They have been worried about you. I can hardly wait to hold you. I have a present for you!! You are loved.

    • Nana Debbie

      The extra rest without him being messed with is an answer to prayer!! 🙌 You all need the break. Love you!!❤️

    • Nana Debbie

      The glove whistle!!😅😂🤣

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