7:27am – Text Message

“Good morning mom and dad! Phew what a night I had! I’ll keep this short and sweet since my favorite nurse, Nurse Kelly was back with me last night and she told me she’s been texting you all night!
So I’ve been put in time out again bc I keep holding my breath and dropping my sats and having bradys on and off all night
As you know Nurse Kelly took me downstairs for my head CT last night and I was a fairly good boy however when she moved me even though she was super careful and was moving at a snails pace I still dropped my sats and heart rate which required the team to bag me back up, after that I did good getting my pictures taken, I had to be bagged back up again when they moved back to my bed…

Once we got back to my bed space I had my chest and abdomen X-ray taken…they then saw that my tube was really really high in a weird spot so the doctor told Nurse Kelly that we could extubate…so we did and I was not very happy at first then I realized I didn’t have that straw in my throat and was happy again. However I’m still pretty out of it and have been having the same troubles of dropping my sats and heart rate, more briefly but still happening pretty often…I really just like to keep people running around…but the deepest secret of all…I just want Nurse Kelly all to myself, I’m not really a fan of sharing too much (sorry Aiden 😜)
Anyway, I can’t wait to see you both today for hopefully some snuggles but we will see how I do later on.
Love Asher”

7:36am – Nurse Update

Last night was a really hard night…

With the constant brady’s and desats he’s definitely having a tough time with his recovery…

And with the high amounts of oxygen he’s needed to “get back to stable” we’re concerned that for the ROP advancing…

Now, we just pray and wait…

3:34pm – Hospital


This afternoon Asher’s come back to life a little bit. He’s not on any pain killers at the moment, which is a good sign that he’s tolerating his incision…

They’re starting him back on feeds at a rate of 3mL/hr…

Slow motion is better than no motion. We’re happy to see him opening his eyes again 😍

    1 Response to "Day 59 (33)"

    • Nana Debbie

      Sweet, sweet boy. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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