5:52am – Text Message

Wake up mom and dad! It’s morning time! Time to rise and shine and party like me at 4am! You’re in for a treat when I go home if I keep this 4am partying ritual up…you don’t need sleep right, it’s a good thing I’m so stinking cute?! 😜 

Well I had another awesome night with all A’s on my report card! 

Nurse Kelly was able to get my O2 down as low as 34% for several hours and I did so good!  My next gas is due at 0800 this morning so stayed tuned for good news hopefully, I’m doing my very best to get a gold star today! I still don’t really like laying on my left side, I like to have more O2 when over there, but at about 0400 when I like to party I usually need more too to keep up with my cool dance moves 😎

I didn’t 💩 tonight but I did yesterday! My belly looks real good and stable through the night…I think nurse Kelly is a little obsessed with my belly and my head, kinda weird if you ask me but whatever makes her happy 🤷🏼‍♀️ 

My head she says feels pretty full but not bulging just level and staying the same at 27cm

Whoaaaaa I’m really getting chunky though at almost 3#! I gained 40 grams last night! 

I still needed no Ativan last night bc I was so well behaved, Nurse Kelly is really getting the hang of all the things I like to get me settled 🥰 most recently I really like to be picked up and rocked for a few minutes after cares, I also really like to be moved into different positions, I don’t like being in the same one for more than 2-3 hours. 

I’m super excited for bath time tonight, it’s my favorite! Please remember my favorite blankeys for my bed, all the other babies are jealous. Also could you bring me in some more milk mom, I’m running a little low at the hospital now with me eating so much 😋😋 nom nom nom! 

Can’t wait for post bath snuggles with my two favorite people in the whole wide world! 

Love always

Your favorite tiny human


Asher 💙


Aiden, mom and dad tell me you’re playing basketball now! Keep practicing everyday big brother and I know you’ll be and do great on the court!

    3 replies to "Day 53 (32/1)"

    • Nana Debbie

      😭❤️🥰 Thank you Kelly!!!!

    • […] delayed because Dr Lipsky had the day off, and Dr Sahni is simply, Dr Sahni, hence, the brevity of yesterdays update. We’ll get you caught up today, starting with Asher’s favorite: Bath […]

    • Pat Garcia

      Keep on keeping the faith 🙏. God has the last word. Asher you are adorable 🥰

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