1:39pm – Hospital: Head Ultrasound

Upon arrival, Asher was getting ready to receive his head ultrasound. Dr Lipsky said his head circumference grew 1cm overnight. The ultrasound images look very similar to the ones we saw last week. We’re now waiting on their interpretation…

She did say that she wants to extubate tomorrow. His ABG has been amazing so she believes it’s time! She’s working a 24 hour shift tomorrow and wants to make sure she is here for extubation just in case Asher decides to act up. She doesn’t trust him 😂 We’re praying for a safe transition back to the nasal cannula 🙏🏻

While we’re still waiting on the results from the ultrasound Dr Lipsky did mention that the ultrasound tech said the ventricles didn’t look bigger. We’re waiting on official word from the Neuro now. We’re praying that the 1cm increase is brain growth and not increased fluid 🙏🏻

They will be bumping up his feeds to 3mL/hr. The feeding will be the most consistently up and down process due to us asking his intestines to do things they shouldn’t be doing right now. His belly is currently a little full but very soft. When I did cares today he left me a nice present in his diaper 💩

We learned today that his head circumference, length, and weight are all between the 3rd and 15th percentile. 50th percentile is where we all want him to be, but because of the IUGR he’s been riding the curve below the target. The good news is that even though he’s below and on his own curve, he’s ON A CURVE that follows the ideal growth trend. From what we’ve read and after speaking with Dr Lipsky, this is common for IUGR babies…

3:08pm – Mom Gets Kangaroo Time

I’ve reluctantly decided to let Monica have my hold day today so she can have some skin to skin time with Asher. It was a hard decision 😂, but only fair since her hold yesterday wasn’t skin to skin and we were talking majority of the time 🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂


    4 replies to "Day 48 (31/3)"

    • Nana Debbie


    • GG

      What a little lovebug.😘😘😘

    • Nana Debbie

      “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26:3-4‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    • Asher's Grandma Rebecca

      I love to see the pics and videos of Asher’s time with Mommy and Daddy. You can see that he loves the skin to skin time with both of you. He is so content and connected with you. So precious to witness!

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