12:00pm – Hospital

Not too much has changed since our midnight call last night…

His ABG is doing well. They’re weaning him back down pretty consistently. The Infectious Disease Dr came by and told as that he’s still showing negative cultures for infection…

We’re starting to think that, even though we needed that MRI (and the peace that came with it), it may have not been necessary, especially with the risk from transport. That’s our lay opinion of course…

Dr Lipsky HATES when babies leave her sight. She hates when they leave the pod for the exact reason we experienced two nights ago…

One thing we learned yesterday from our neuroscience lecture is that the old blood has scarred over the ependymal cells (the coral like tissue that produces cerebral spinal fluid) causing them to not produce as much CSF…

The bleeding is kinda working in Asher’s favor right now 🙂

The “webbing” from the ultrasound is the blood starting to dissolve. It’s the consistency of wet bread right now and it’s slowly starting to dissolve. It will eventually be absorbed…

Neurologist also said that his ventricles are currently like a stretched T-shirt from the excess fluid. When they drain it, it doesn’t bounce back…

His brain right now is like room temperature butter: extremely pliable. If CSF levels can be controlled, the natural growth of the brain will start to push against the ventricles, causing them to reform into a normal size…

It’s akin to moving a couch that’s been sitting on carpet for a long time and then moved. The indentations in the carpet SLOWLY expand and the carpet eventually comes back to its original form…


We’re praying that they can wean him and extubate as fast as possible…

We also saw in the MRI that he has plenty of space and fluid between his brain and his skull. Very encouraging!

Although it’s helping him, that tube in his airway comes with its own sets of problems…

He’s also broken the 1kg milestone for his weight!! He’s currently 2lbs 3oz. We’ll have updated length tomorrow. He looks so big and so grown right now 😍

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
and your ways are not My ways.”
This is the Lord’s declaration.
“For as heaven is higher than earth,
so My ways are higher than your ways,
and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8–9

    2 replies to "Day 42 (30/4)"

    • GG

      This is so hard to watch. He was so comfortable with his bink. Soon he will have it back. He is a fighter and so are you guys. So proud of all of you. Love you.

    • Auntie Amanda

      I love you sweet Asher!

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