Last Night – 8pm: Bath Time

I was able to capture his bath time last night while mommy had a girls night šŸ™‚

Theres some kangaroo time in the beginning… And then when they rip his bandaid off of his back šŸ™

I was also able to snag some rare photos of Asher with no tubes on his face while they were being changed out! (The stuff on his face is a combination of saliva, snot, and residue from the tape they use to secure his feeding tube)…

6:20am – Text Message

“Good morning mom and dad and Aidan! I had a really good night again! Iā€™ve been tolerating my feedings and my belly looks good says nurse Kellyā€¦she even says I have good bowel sounds, I think thatā€™s gross but Iā€™m happy sheā€™s happy šŸ˜„

I really liked having guys night with dad and thoroughly enjoyed my bath last night, especially getting my hair washed/head rubbed! You think we can do that every night? šŸ˜Ž
I love my new blankets you brought in for me, now my little house feels more like home šŸ„° and all the other babies are jealous!

I had just a couple small poops overnight, Iā€™ll save my big one for later šŸ˜œ

I didnā€™t have any bradys, just a couple little desats here and there to keep nurse Kelly on her toesā€¦I still get a kick out watching her jump up to see if Iā€™m okay hehehe

Still no official results from the pictures of my headā€¦I guess my doctor will have to see whatā€™s going on and fill yā€™all in hopefully today!

Nurse Kelly tried to flush my IV tonight and it stopped working, so she took it out and it feels so good to have my hand/arm back!

To my brother Aiden: just want you to know that Iā€™m really really really excited to meet you! I dream about you all the time and canā€™t wait to have a big brother to do cool stuff with like building forts and playing hide and seek, which Iā€™m getting kinda good at, my nurse plays peek a boo with me all the time (as you can see in my pictures), so Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ll catch on quick!
Even though you canā€™t come see me, know I love you very much! Maybe mom and dad can bring in a picture of you to have by my bed so I can look at you! šŸ¤©
Be good for mom and dad, I know theyā€™re worried about me, so make sure youā€™re extra good and do all your homework and chores!

Love you all so much! Canā€™t wait to see you today mom and dad!
Love always

Asher šŸ’™

7:30am – Notes From Last Nights Visit

When I walked in last night, Asher had a catheter back in šŸ™

Apparently his labs from earlier in the day showed signs of infection so they ordered additional labs STAT and started collected urine for testing cultures…

When we measured the circumference of his head last night, it had grown 1cm (from 23.5 to 24.5) over the course of three days. This rate of growth isn’t ideal and did raise some concern. We’ll find out late today the results of the ultrasound…

His belly does look a little bloated, but we’re not sure if this is “normal feeding” belly or if the fortification is causing the bloat/backup…

We have been looking into alternatives for fortifying his milk. One is a formula option, the other is from human donor milk (probably ideal). The fortification he’s on now is a dairy product. With his little intestines he may not be able to process it as well as just normal breast milk. Unfortunately, the human donor milk isn’t available at this Hospital. Our nurse told us to ask his Dr about ordering it or seeing if we can order it and bring it in…

Good night! šŸ˜“

9:00am – Phone Call: Dr’s Update

The result from yesterday afternoons ultrasound are in…

They either show new bleeding (very unusual) or the way the old blood looks has changed. Dr Lipsky said it’s hard to tell and is waiting on neurosurgeon to review the images…

She did say that it looks as if there’s septation in his ventricle/s (some stringy stuff) but isn’t sure. We’ll be getting a clearer definition of septaion once we get to the hospital today. She did mention “something has definitely changed in his brain and that it could be an abscess as well.”


His labs also came back abnormal and he’s being treated with antibiotics for the infection as of this morning. We gave consent for an LP today to relieve pressure in the brain and test the CSF for cultures…

One of the risks with the DART protocol is that steroids can suppress the immune system for a time. This could be a contributing factor to his infection…

They needed to do an MRI last week for his brain but it is very difficult to regulate baby’s temperature at this stage. If you’ve ever had an MRI, you’d know that room is chilly. The results from the LP will determine whether they do the MRI today or continue to hold off…

I believe the MRI would be helpful, regardless…

It’s a perspective we/they haven’t been able to take into consideration…

Outside of this, Dr Lipsky did say that he “clinically looks well” and he’s not showing physical signs of the above mentioned infection or brain development…

We’re not afraid of this news. May God get the glory for everything that happens. We pray that our Lord continues to preserve our son through this too…

11:31am – Hospital

Catheter has been removed and Asherā€™s been scheduled for an MRI this afternoon. Theyā€™ll do their best to keep him warm with heating pads and heated blanketsā€¦

Deuces āœŒšŸ»

The LP is complete and weā€™re waiting on the results. Asherā€™s nurse today told us that the CSF was more on the clear side, which is a small victoryā€¦

Ultrasound Images

The images show Asherā€™s cerebral ventricles having some sort of ā€œwebbingā€ inside them. His ultrasound from the week prior didnā€™t look like this at all. The Dr isnā€™t sure if itā€™s new blood, old blood moving, or anything elseā€¦

Good News: the size of his head is still within normal range. Theyā€™re not concerned about any abnormal growth at allā€¦

Also, initial results from LP show that his white blood cel count isnā€™t nearly as high when he first had meningitis (About 1/4 the count that it was during the last infection)ā€¦

First cultures came back negative as well! šŸ™ŒšŸ»

The Focus For Today: diagnosing the ā€œwebā€, getting rid of the infection, if anyā€¦

Weā€™re still in the fight!!

    5 replies to "Day 40 (30/2)"

    • Auntie Amanda

      Thank you Lord for all you have done and continue to do for sweet Asher!

    • Asher and Aidenā€™s Grandma Rebecca

      Nurse Kellyā€™s text message about Aiden and Asher was the sweetest and brought grandma to tears. I know how much Aiden wants to see his baby brother. It breaks my heart that he canā€™t. I know Asher would love to have some pictures of his big brother there for him to look at. šŸ˜Žā¤ļøšŸ„° Asher is always in Godā€™s loving hands and the doctors will figure out what is going on with his precious little brain and body. Jesus I Trust in You šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»

    • Mattā€™s mom/ Grandma Debbie

      ā€œFor the word of the Lord is right, and all his work is trustworthy. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the Lordā€™s unfailing love. The heavens were made by the word of the Lord, and all the stars, by the breath of his mouth. He gathers the water of the sea into a heap; he puts the depths into storehouses. Let the whole earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spoke, and it came into being; he commanded, and it came into existence.ā€
      ā€­ā€­Psalmsā€¬ ā€­33:4-9ā€¬ ā€­

    • GG

      Oh sweet Asher, I thank God for every second of your life. You will not remember any of this. Just like your Uncle Pastor Dave says you are a WARRIOR!! Aiden is waiting for you at home. You will love hanging out with him. He’s cool. I love you sweet boy.

    • Auntie Dottie

      Sweet Asher (our little Firecracker) you are so awesome! You are rockin this journey and you will continue to rock it I have no doubt. We are all praying for you sweet boy. I love you tons of bunchesšŸ’™

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