5:35am – Text Message

“Good morning mom and dad! I’m here to report another great night!
My gas was stellar this morning so I should be weaned down after shift change! I still really like my paci it’s my favorite thing ever!
Some lady came into my house and put this cold gel on my head and took a bunch of pictures of my brain…they say the results will be done hopefully later today! 🤞🏼🤞🏼 for a good report card!
I finished my steroids Monday night and I am doing good without them!
I had a couple big poops all by myself…I think it’s really funny when I poop while my diaper is being changed 😂
Nurse Kelly as usual had checked up on me all night and changed my picc line dressing so it’s nice and fresh for the week! Nurse Kelly told me she gets to be my nurse tonight so I’m excited to have her back!
Doctor Lipsky came around and saw me this morning and I overheard her tell my nurse that she plans to up my milk fortification to 24 cal today…I’m kinda nervous about it, my belly is already a little full from the 22 cal 😬
Can’t wait for more snuggles today! Love you lots!”


    1 Response to "Day 39 (30/1)"

    • Pat Garcia

      This lil guy is amazing. Prayers results from pictures are favorable. 🙏❤️

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