Someone was extubated today ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

10am – Phone Call

Dr Lipsky called to tell us that they extubated him this morning at 8amโ€ฆ

They will be watching his ABG like a hawk and testing every two hoursโ€ฆ

Heโ€™s still on TPN and they wonโ€™t pull him off until he can stabilize his ABG (or re-intubate) with his new breathing support setupโ€ฆ

Even if just for a moment, weโ€™re happy that tube is out ๐Ÿ˜€

10:25am – Update From Nurse Kelly

โ€œGood morning mom and dad! I had a really great night with only a few episodes of desats and bradys, I only needed one dose of Ativan overnight!

Iโ€™m excited and nervous to be extubated today but Iโ€™m thinking positively and feeling ready for this!

Iโ€™m even more excited to use my tiny voice!

My nurse Kelly made sure I had a really good nurse today and she talked to my doctor to make sure things go smoothly!

Canโ€™t wait to see you both today and let you hear my tiny bit mighty roar! Love you mom and dad! ๐Ÿ’™โ€

3:00pm – Hospital

As we walked in, Dr Lipsky told us that Asherโ€™s โ€œskating on the edge, but I know he can do this!โ€

Current ABG results:

  • 10am: 64
  • 12pm: 62
  • 2pm: 61

Asher needs to be down to 55 by his next gas, or theyโ€™ll have to re-intubate himโ€ฆ

Weโ€™re praying that he stabilizes his CO2 by his next ABG test!!


4pm – Cares

His little cry ๐Ÿ˜

    1 Response to "Day 33 (29/2)"

    • Auntie Amanda

      You’ve got this Asher! One less day before you can go home! We love you baby boy ๐Ÿ’™

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