1:50pm – Phone Call

Asher’s having a great day!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

His feedings have been increased to 4mL/hr. He’s currently laying on his belly, his favorite position 🙂

His belly is feeling really soft (good) and isn’t as full as it was a couple days ago. He’s digesting milk really well…

He got another enema last night and they’re still waiting for him to have another stool…

Sat, Heart, Lungs and ABG are all looking great…

They haven’t weaned his settings at all yet. They’re waiting for the ABG results at 2pm today…

He did have another head exam and ultrasound. No results on the ultrasound but Dr Bragg said his head still feels perfect and on track for growth…

Last weigh in was 980g (2lbs 2.56oz; if he were in utero, he should be 2.5-3lbs. Not bad kid!!)…

There were no seizures last night or at all today 🙌🏻🙌🏻

He’s still pretty “touchy” with and desats during cares. He’s still on the 6 hour protocol. Even though he is still desatting during cares, it’s only for a few seconds (unlike previous nights where it was 30-60 seconds of excitement 🤦🏻‍♂️)…

4:00pm – Hospital

Mom was able to take his temperature, but Asher wasn’t thrilled about it 😂

She was also able to change his diaper. He decided this was the right time for the ol’ bowel movement 😂…

It took the nurses a few minutes to rotate him onto his left side because he decided he was going to keep rolling back onto his back. Definitely determined today…

The head ultrasound still hasn’t happened yet. He’s also back in the diuretic meds to reduce his swelling…

They’ve been able to come down on pressure from the vent this afternoon while maintaining an fiO2 of 32%…

Life is good everyday, but today has been much better…

    6 replies to "Day 31 (29)"

    • Auntie Amanda

      Way to go, Asher! Auntie loves you my sweet boy 💙

    • Matt’s mom/ Grandma Debbie

      He’s such a little stinker!❤️🤣🙌🎉

    • GG

      Such a happy camper. This little guy is just tired of being poked and prodded. He just wants to be held in your arms and feel the warmth and love you have for him. Asher your GG loves you!❤

    • Margaret

      Way to go baby boy! You’re awesome.

    • Matt’s mom/ Grandma Debbie

      I will cause Your name to be remembered in all generations; Therefore the peoples will give You thanks forever and ever.
      — Psalm 45:17

    • Aunt Val

      Thank you for sharing this journey with us. You couldn’t have picked a better name because every milestone is Asher living up to the true meaning of his name “Happy & Blessed” ❤️ Love you guys

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