9:44pm – Last Nights Phone Call

Asher is now measuring at 12.79” in length. He’s grown 2.29” since delivery day. 😀

We called in tonight to see how he was doing as they had opted to start the steroid treatment yesterday afternoon…

Not too much change yet. We’re anxiously waiting for tomorrows report…

10:37am – Call In

We called in this morning to see how Asher was handling the steroid treatment…

His fiO2 level is down to 28% (lowest it’s ever been) when he’s happy, but when he’s agitated, they bump him up to the 40’s and 50’s. They’ve also been able to lower his settings on the jet. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

11:13am – Call Back From Doctor

Dr Lipsky says Asher’s LOVED the steroids so far. With a day or two more of weaning they should be able to get him off the jet. She’s trilled! “I love when babies follow the rules.” 🙌🏻🙌🏻

She said his belly looks really good. They’ll start fortification today. They’ll bump up his calories today to 22/oz, then start with a 24cal/oz bump tomorrow through the rest of his stay.

She did mention that the steroids will slow his growth this week, so we shouldn’t be alarmed if there’s little progress…

With the weaning of the jet, they’ll also be able to remove the PICC line…

We gave consent for an additional LP today for testing and alleviation of any pressure in his brain…

6:00pm – Hospital: “Show Time”

The day was going great…

Until we walked in…

He started having back to back spells of bradycardia. As of this morning he’s been on phenobarbital to combat possible seizures. But the last hour we have watched his heart rate drop under 70bpm 6-7 times…

They think he may be seizing…

They’ve upped meds and gave him Ativan to calm him down…

They weaned him off of the morphine drip completely as of today, and he’s already acting up…

He’s definitely putting in work with using his little lungs today…

One of the nurses noticed that there was some water buildup in his vent tube and tilted to tube back to get rid of the moisture…

Not sure if that was causing his issues, but the moment she moved the liquid, his numbers started to stabilize and improve. They medicated him shortly after…

He’s also been on a morphine drip for 24 days and we’re thinking that he’s having withdrawal symptoms…

Before this started, his fiO2 was down to 25 🙌🏻🙌🏻

They have him laying on his left side because his right lung was still having a hard time staying open…

To sum it up, his day was going great until mom and dad showed up 🤦🏻‍♂️

We’re here a little later tonight to hang out with Kelly. We’ve got some projects to work on 🙂

    5 replies to "Day 29 (28/5)"

    • Mom

      Oh, our sweet brave boy… he’s changed so much. We are so proud of you!!🥰❤️ You are a champ!👊🏻💪🏻

    • Auntie Amanda

      One day at a time Asher! You’ve got this 💙

    • Asher’s Grandma Rebecca

      Grow baby grow… Continuing to pray for the complete healing of Asher’s body. He is our precious little fighter who has many prayer warriors praying for him. 🙏🏻💙🙏🏻💙

    • GG

      My goodness little man. What you are putting mom and dad through. You will be grounded for a very long time. It’s okay just call GG and I will help you out. Love and kisses.

    • Laurie Fishman

      Stay strong little man❤️❤️

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