6:17pm – Hospital

Another great day for Asher 🙂

The PDA closure has made a significant difference in his stability. His vitals aren’t dropping to the extremes that they were before closure…

His platelets were a bit low last night but came up on their own this morning (from low 40,000’s to upper 80,000’s)…

He did need some blood earlier today…

Lots of machines today…

They switched up his feeding schedule to 2mL/hr because doing 5mL/3 hours was leaving too much residual…

His nurse said his stomach felt a little firm today, but Dr said it wasn’t anything to be concerned about. We could see that he looks a little “full” from feeding…

ABG looks great…

Asher’s also off of sterilization precautions (no more gloves or gowns for us) 😀

He has not had a bowel movement since 7/24 so there’s a chance he’ll receive a glycerin enema to help relive his tummy…

fiO2 is still up and down, as expected. He was as low as 38% today but is currently sitting at 50%. He’s starting to have lower and lower daily averages 👍🏻👍🏻

He’s put on some weight (625g to 810g). So he’s approx 1lb 12oz…

We also asked Kelly to be our primary night nurse. She’s been with him for the last 5 nights and is pretty amazing. Asher was smiling at her tonight like “hey gurl 😉”…

No LP today. With his need for blood it’s been postponed. Not worried. When things get postponed, God moves…

    6 replies to "Day 23 (27/6)"

    • Mom


    • Gael Lecce

      This is a great report. Thank you Jesus. My sweet Asher you are going to be POTUS one day. Love you.

    • Margaret

      Way to go baby boy. Awesome. God is good❤️

    • Asher’s Grandma Rebecca

      I’m so thankful for God’s continued blessings on Asher. Our baby boy is full of God’s love and grace. 🙏🏻❤️😇💙🙏🏻 Jesus I Trust in You 🙏🏻

    • Louis Hohl

      Praise The Lord!

    • MJ

      Little man becomes more and more of a champion daily. Stoked to hear everything is getting better. Keep it pushing Asher you motivate me to be stronger myself.

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