I had to travel for work today, so mom had to visit Asher solo 🙁

He says hi daddy I’m doing good

They went up on his feeds today from 1.5mL/3 hours to 3mL/3 hours. With the increase in feeds, they’ve lowered the levels of fluids they are giving him.

2:14pm Dr Update

Asher’s culture came back negative for infection. Monica signed a consent to allow another spinal tap tomorrow to hopefully get a negative culture for the Meningitis. From there, they will administer additional antibiotics and wait 14 days.

Dr say that they’re working on getting him off the jet within the next couple of days so we can finally hold him. He’ll still be on the vent but at least not the jet. After the jet, they’ll work on weaning him from the vent and will move him to CPAP.

All in all, Asher had a good night.

They did have the infections disease team come take a look at him, just to be safe. They want another set of eyes on him due to the meningitis. No reports as of yet.

Mom’s text:

“The disease dr came up here while no nurses were around and she told me she had to take a look at him. So I said ok but he’s sleeping and might not like it. She took his blanket off and started lifting his arm and leg to just look around his body and boom he lost his mind! Vitals went crazy! A nurse came running over and told her he won’t tolerate her touching him. She backed up and was apologizing lol”

“This boy is so feisty. Idk if it scares him because he’s trying to rest or if it hurts his body to be touched because of everything he’s going through. She wasn’t even doing anything crazy and he dropped instantly”

His policy as of today is hands off every 6 hours, until he needs cares. They’ll still feed every 3 hours.

“I’m afraid no nurse will want to be his primary if he’s this naughty lol”

    1 Response to "Day 20 (27/3)"

    • Gael Lecce

      He just is tired of being poked and prodded He is a sweetie. Please tell him that his GG loves him to pieces.

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