9:30am – Phone Call

Asher did really well last night…

His cultures confirmed that he does have meningitis. We’re happy that they began treatment well before his results…

His blood sugar was a little low this morning, as expected with the lack of a PICC line, limited feedings, etc…

He’s also a little puffy today from all of the fluids he’s receiving. Mr. No Neck is in full effect 🤷🏻‍♂️

Look at those lungs starting to work 😍


We’re currently in gowns and gloves due to the fragility of his system and the infections being treated…

He wasn’t happy with cares today. He kept pushing out the swabs with his tongue while Mom was trying to do oral care 😂…

He’s knows who’s boss when I get in there though (he knows I’ll add time to his sentence when we get home 😂😂)…

During his diaper change he set off the “Brady” alarm due to his heart rate dropping to the 60’s. He definitely doesn’t want to be bothered today…

Doctor Talk

They did start feeding again today. He’s currently on 1.5ml/3 hours of breast milk…

They have his oxygen requirements down to 30% right now and the jet ventilator is down to 360 breaths a minute (from 420)…


We had “the talk” again today. This time was to make sure that the team here is on the same page as we are…

They’re warning us that “he will have complications, he will likely have cerebral palsy, likely have, likely have, likely have… BUT, we don’t know for sure.”

With how active he is and him responding as well as he does to all treatments thus far, we are open to the taking the risk…

At least in their eyes…

For us, there is no option. Asher will live or will die trying…

Children bring challenge…

Best case or worst case, Monica and I are in agreement that we are here for whatever God has for us, and whatever the attached challenges are…

Best case, God will get the Glory…

Worst case, God will get the Glory…

Neither of us expected this to be normal from the beginning…

    7 replies to "Day 19 (27/2)"

    • Mom

      😭🙌❤️ Amen

    • Auntie Amanda

      You’ve got this sweet boy!

    • Gael Lecce


    • Gael Lecce

      We are all in this together. Our heavenly Father hears our prayers. Much love.

    • LaVon Knight

      You guys are doing great. God is with y’all every step!!!!! Go Asher 🙏🏾

    • Erin

      😭! You two are amazing parents. We come against all the “likely have” in Jesus name. We love you guys. Your courage blows me away.
      🤍🤍Asher fam club. #teamasher

    • Regina

      Thinking of you everyday. 🙏🏻 Keep fighting little guy! 💪🏻💙

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