
We received a call from the nurse practitioner and she requested we come into the hospital for the update. 

As we sat in a boardroom with Asher’s delivery dr, the charge nurse and a social worker, the nurse practitioner began telling us the results from the yesterday’s head ultrasound. 

Asher is currently bleeding into his brain more and is now classified as a stage 4 hemorrhage on one side. 

There is also additional fluids compressing his brain (spinal and water). 

They showed us an image of his two ventricles from last week to yesterday and they are significantly larger as of yesterday. 

The options:

  1. Withdraw support, let the family hold him, watch him die. 
  1. Do nothing and see if anything changes. 
  1. Transport to Sunrise Children’s Hospital for neural surgery. (Along with his already slated PDA surgery). 

We’re gonna fight. We chose option 3. 


Asher’s on his first road trip. Children’s hospital here we come. 

But wait, before he leaves, his blood work shows that he’s developing an infection and he’ll need antibiotics. 

When I say he’s grounded, I mean SUPER grounded. Don’t expect to see him for a few Christmases grounded! 😂😭😂😭


We’re here at Sunrise, Asher is stable. 

Drs are reviewing labs, doing more labs and additional examinations. 


Neurosurgeon did initial physical exam. He loved how active Asher is and said the physical exam of his skull feels really good (no major swelling, very little to no separation of his sutures.) They’re going to do another head ultrasound in the morning. He was super positive and seemed optimistic. 

The team here: Amazing 

They introduced us to the Ronald McDonald house program here. Amazing. 

He pooped like crazy 😂😂 #blacktar

And there’s a few other Asher’s here 😬

They’re adding another PICC line for additional meds, nutrition, etc and already added a mid-line for easier, less painful blood draws (long term IV). 

They’ll be adding a ventricular line as well. 

They want as much access to him as possible.

Vitals are great right now. He’s just chillin being wild 😍

They did say we CAN do FaceTime calls 😬

They wanted to have Aiden pick out a special blanket to give to Asher. We’ll snap some photos of Asher with the blanket. Then we’ll give it back to Aiden saying “Asher said hold onto this for him, he’s afraid it’ll get lost in the laundry at the hospital.” 

It’ll be something for Aiden to hold onto 😭

They’re doing shift change so we’re going to take a nap in the Ronald McDonald room.