He can open his eyes today!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

He needed more oxygen this morning. 

They did an echocardiogram (ECG) today and will have cardiologist review the results later this afternoon. 

Nurse said that he has a small heart murmur. 

Currently weighing 1lb 7oz (655g) +1oz

Length gained 1.5cm in L. (27cm to 28.5cm)

From first glance of the ECG, they think that he has PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus, itโ€™s a blood vessel issue). His heart looks a little bigger on X-ray. The blood is overloading the heart and causes the lungs to fill with fluid. 

Going to initially give him Tylenol to help shrink the blood vessel. Itโ€™s 2-3 day treatment every 6 hours through IV. During this time, they donโ€™t want to feed him. It could shrink additional blood vessels in the stomach so they want to avoid breast milk. 

Heโ€™ll get all nutrition through IV. 

Theyโ€™ll do treatment then repeat the ECG. If it doesnโ€™t shrink, weโ€™ll need to consider surgery. 

Heโ€™s processing feeds very well. Heโ€™s having regular bowel movements and urination. 

Heโ€™s still as active as ever!! 

Below, we put moms wedding ring on him for size reference. 

He’s not happy ๐Ÿ™


Cardiologist just confirmed PDA. They will begin 3 day acetaminophen treatment. 

Jaundice levels came back down so they took him off the lights again today.