
Day 9 (25/6)

2:16pm Doing really well today. Oxygen needs are still between 30-45%. Having good blood gasses, so their weaning him from the ventilators.  He tolerated feeds yesterday. They’re looking at increasing the volume
by Matthew Hamel

Day 8 (25/5)

10:08am PICC line has started.  Monica’s BP is still up and down, but her swelling is coming way down. We have appt with her OB today at 1pm to review progress.  11:46am  PICC line
by Matthew Hamel

Day 7 (25/4)

2:35pm Asher is currently generating his own platelets so they’ve stopped the infusions.  His red blood cells are still a little low so they’ll be giving him another transfusion today.  His jaundice has
by Matthew Hamel

Day 5 (25/2)

1pm Just got a positive report from the hospital that Asher is doing well.  Red blood cells : good Lungs, came down on oxygen & ventilator: good  Blood gas: good  Heart rate: good BP: good 
by Matthew Hamel

Day 3 (25)

8AM At 7:30am they went to adjust his breathing tube 1/2mm and he coded. His heart rate dropped to 40bpm for approx 2min.  His oxygen was at 20%. Dr decided to re-intubate
by Matthew Hamel

Day 1 (24/5)

Delivered Sunday July 4th, 2021 at 4:26pm weighing in at 1lb 6oz (625g) and 10.5” long.  He was delivered at Summerlin Hospital via C Section.  Trying to sleep we can still hear
by Matthew Hamel