
Day 19 (27/2)

9:30am - Phone Call Asher did really well last night… His cultures confirmed that he does have meningitis. We’re happy that they began treatment well before his results… His blood sugar was
by Matthew Hamel

Day 18 (27/1)

9:30am - Phone Call Asher had an “ok” night… His dr called this morning to let us know that his cultures came back positive for infection and that he’s urinating bacteria… He
by Matthew Hamel

Day 17 (27)

8:30am - Phone Call This morning started with a phone call from our doctor at the new hospital... We've been dreading this call after the craziness we experienced yesterday. Although Asher was
by Matthew Hamel

Day 16 (26/6)

10:31am We received a call from the nurse practitioner and she requested we come into the hospital for the update.  As we sat in a boardroom with Asher’s delivery dr, the charge
by Matthew Hamel

Day 15 (26/5)

2 weeks old 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 4:03pm Cardiologist just stopped by and said the ductus still hasn’t closed at all (per ECG results). Asher will be scheduled for PDA ligation surgery in the next day
by Matthew Hamel

Day 14 (26/4)

2:45pm All labs, levels & measurements look GREAT!  Waiting on ECG (“echo”) and brain ultrasound tomorrow.  They’re really happy with him today!  Our report was literally 60 seconds from the nurse practitioner today, hence
by Matthew Hamel

Day 13 (26/3)

5:32pm  Asher is currently on a Fentanyl drip combined with morphine. He is fighting the ventilator when he’s being active. (This boy is wild, even when he’s “sedated”) Nurse said he’s been
by Matthew Hamel

Day 12 (26/2)

5:32pm  Asher is currently on a Fentanyl drip combined with morphine. He is fighting the ventilator when he’s being active. (This boy is wild, even when he’s “sedated”) Nurse said he’s been
by Matthew Hamel

Day 11 (26/1)

12:30pm Besides almost giving us a heart attack watching him move like a maniac all night, yanking on his feeding tube, Asher is having a great day!  They measure the circumference of
by Matthew Hamel

Day 10 (26)

He can open his eyes today!! 😍😍😍 He needed more oxygen this morning.  They did an echocardiogram (ECG) today and will have cardiologist review the results later this afternoon.  Nurse said that he
by Matthew Hamel