Asher Is Two Months Old Today!!

9 weeks have flown by slowly. It’s a blur thinking of how long we’ve been here and everything we’ve gone through up to this point. The last 9 weeks have truly been a blessing…

Asher’s currently weighing in at 1,590 grams (3lbs 8oz). This make him a smidge bigger than Aiden at the same gestational age (Aiden was 3lbs 7oz when he was born at 34/3 gestation)…

All is well with him today. Feeds are going well at 7mL/hr. Maintenance levels on all meds. His head circumference is 28cm and still soft…

He will have a head ultrasound on Monday per Dr Braggs order…

Outside of that, he’s well 😀

Praying For Asher’s Neighbor

Asher’s long time neighbor, who’s bed is caddy corner of Asher’s is having a tough time today. We overheard that she has NEC, is vomiting, is having major bradys, and is being prepped for surgery. We’ve been here since they started working on her an hour ago…

Her mom is so sweet. She’s not here yet so we don’t think she knows what she’s about to walk into. We’re praying for her and her little girl!

Please keep Asher’s neighbor in your prayers as she goes through her journey…

    6 replies to "Day 64 (33/4)"

    • Titi Crystal

      Praying for baby girl…

    • Asher’s Grandma Rebecca

      Happy 2 month’s birthday my precious Asher! 💙💙🥳 God continues to show his blessings upon you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Will keep baby his neighbor in my prayers. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • Auntie Amanda

      Happy 2 months sweet boy….we will be praying for Asher’s neighbor!

    • Brend

      Praying for Asher’s neighbor!
      2 months that is so Awesome!! Praise the Lord!

    • GG

      She is in my prayers. May the healing touch of Jesus be on you and your family to get through this hard time. Asher , I love you so much. You have had your GG up down and upside down. You are a silly boy I just want to hold you and snuggle and watch you with your best friend Bink.

    • Karla Barnes

      Prayer for Asher’s neighbor!!! I can’t imagine what she getting ready to deal with. Asher looks so beautiful filling out and loving being held. I love his little foot hanging out

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