9:30am – Phone Call

Asher had an “ok” night…

His dr called this morning to let us know that his cultures came back positive for infection and that he’s urinating bacteria…

He may have a UTI… fun.

They also need to pull the PICC line (assumed source of infection/s) and reinsert along with reinserting the midline they just put into his arm yesterday…

The midline slipped out over night 🙁

They have found bacteria in his lungs, blood and urine. They’re going to check his kidneys next…

They will be performing a spinal tap this afternoon. Not for relief of pressure in the brain but to test for meningitis. They’re going to give him the antibiotics before they get a positive on the meningitis test. They want a head start on treatment in case it comes back positive. No harm there…

They performed the echo this morning and the PDA is still enlarged. They will be administering a second round of Tylenol treatment while we’re waiting on the infection to be treated…

They can’t do any surgery until Asher is no longer septic…

They were initially going to start feeding him again but with all of the above going on they don’t want his digestive system thrown into the mix and taxing his already fragile system…

Blood sugar is a bit low today, so they’re working on stabilizing that…

Asher is also being treated with phenobarbital for seizures. Although it’s difficult to diagnose in a child his size, they’re defaulting to safe over sorry from some of the potential signs they’ve seen…

3:23 Spinal Tap Begins

They pulled 4 small vials of fluid from his spine. This is round one for alleviating the pressure in his brain while testing for meningitis…

I’m sitting right next to him as I’m writing this. The feeling of not being able to help him, not knowing if anything is going to work, and believing God for a miracle is not like anything I’ve ever felt…

Dr said the yellow color is more from his age, but could be from infection as well…

And to show his thanks for the spinal tap, he’s made a poopy all over everyone involved 😂😂 #blacktar

That’s our boy! 💩

The meningitis treatment can be a 10-14 days depending on the results from his CSF. Which is 10-14 days minimum from soonest surgery. It’s hard to know if time is on our side or not…

Hearts provided by #thepotatoheadproject

Also, a clarification on the neural surgery: they are not rushing to perform the operation due to his size. Typically they have to be 1,500 grams for the reservoir operation (Asher is only 700grams), but relevancy of size is taken on a case by case basis I.e. they may do it anyways regardless of size, depending on severity…

If you’ve read this far, just breathe…

We’re not going to let today shake us from our foundation…

The story Asher’s life has already been written…

The Author & Finisher of our faith is simply giving us the glorious gift of us allowing us to turn another page of our sons story…

    11 replies to "Day 18 (27/1)"

    • Felicia

      🙏 ❤️ and lots of hugs for you all!!!

    • Rose Marie Garcia

      Thanks for your unshakable faith, Matt. It is helping all of us. May God continue to bless you and use you and your family as instruments of His mighty power.

      • Matthew Hamel

        Thank you for all the prayer and support!! 🙏🏻

    • MJ

      Matt, this website is amazing and I’m very grateful to see the daily life progress of my tough nephew; he is truly a fighter and the people’s champion. Thank you for today’s update on baby Asher, I wait anxiously to hear his daily updates. It helps a lot to hear and see the progress that the Dr’s are having with him. Love you all very much!

    • Karen

      Matthew you have a band of pray warriors in California praying for Asher you and Monica you are all in our hearts. So many rosaries and prayers are being offered for him. Thank you for this beautiful posting. Our prayers will continue. Karen Hein

    • Mara

      Literally holding my breath. Praying big, BIG prayers over your all. This little guy is a fighter. ♥️ Sending so much love. ♥️

    • Della Gonzales

      I just saw your text about your son.
      So sorry to hear he’s in trouble But you know who is the healer and I’m with your family and friends praying for his healing hands to touch Asher and completely heal him !
      In Jesus mighty name !
      We Love You!🙏

    • Margaret Ortiz

      Hold on to that Faith we’re all praying with you we love you guys. Sweet boy is in Gods hands he is the alpha and omega. He knows your hearts. He won’t give you more than you can handle. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • Auntie Amanda

      My sweet Great Nephew, your story will change lives. I can’t wait to see all of the amazing things that you will continue to do throughout your life! I love you!

    • Marlene & Tony ( Pat & Phil’s neighbors)

      God be with you Monica, Matt, Aiden & Lil Asher! 🙏🙏 are abundantly going your way from our home to yours! Your lil Angel 👼🏼 is in God’s hands! Look to God for strength! Prayer 🙏 is Powerful!

    • Louis Hohl

      We are eagerly following along bro bro. Thanks for the updates. Those closing remarks are incredible… we continue to be with you all in spirit. Love love love y’all.

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