Last Nights Phone Call – 8:30pm

We called in last night to check and see how Asher was adjusting to being extubated…

The nurse told us that he’s on the higher side of support, but is stable. He’ll have an ABG done in the morning (2am today)…

12:30pm – Tire Puncture

When we parked at the hospital and got out of the truck we heard a loud hissing coming from the front of the truck…

I found the leak and I started heading back home immediately. Most tire shops are closed on Sundays and we had dropped from 40psi to 15psi within minutes…

Thank God that we found a 24 hour tire shop. By the time I had parked in front of the shop we had dropped to 10psi…

A quick $20 patch, no run flat damage, and we were back on the road in 10 minutes (I love hard working folks)…

Asher Is 7 Weeks Today 😍😀

Compare this to when we started 😭

2:00pm – Hospital: Update


Weight: 1250g (2lbs 12.09oz)

Length: 13.8”

Earlier this morning Dr Sahni (she’s here when Dr Lipsky is off) and our nurse both said that his head was feeling full (fontanels were firm and a smidge expanded to the level of his skull)…

When Dr Bragg came to inspect him with the consideration of doing another ventricular tap, his head was soft and wasn’t full. Dr Sahni and the nurse checked again and sure enough, nice and soft…

Combine this with a .75cm increase in head circumference and we’re hoping this is his brain growing 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

While Dr’s & nurses are perplexed, we’re thanking God for this small victory. We pray this course continues, God willing. 🙏🏻

Asher is now up to 5mL/hr on his feeds. This is the highest he’s ever been and he’s tolerating it very well. He’s also being weaned from his TPN with the increase in moms milk. Talks of fortification are on the table for tomorrow…

Asher is definitely skating on the edge of respiratory support. While we’ve been sitting here his breaths per minute + O2 saturation have been hitting ideal levels with no desats (40-60 breaths per minute and above 88% saturation). He’s hitting 50-60 at 92% currently…

Stay the course, son. Your mom and I are praying that God gives you the strength to breathe. We know it’s a lot of tiring work. You can do this!

His gasses (ABG) have been pretty good. His pH is textbook. His CO2 has been at 61% the last two gasses. His little lungs are working really hard to release that CO2…

No holding today. We need to get his respiratory support down before that’s an option again. It’s a small price to pay for his improvement…

But I will sing of your strength
and will joyfully proclaim
your faithful love in the morning.
For you have been a stronghold for me,
a refuge in my day of trouble.
To you, my strength, I sing praises,
because God is my stronghold—
my faithful God.

Psalm 59:16–17

    2 replies to "Day 50 (31/5)"

    • GG

      God is so faithful. He is watching over this sweet baby.

    • Pat Garcia

      Yay 7 weeks old!!! Asher is looking amazing 🤗. Love those eyebrows. God’s miracle ❤️🙏

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