7:05am – Text Message

“Good morning mom and dad! I had an awesome night again! I was a good boy and only dropped my sats when I was squirming around or upset. But bc my nurse kept me nice and calm my gas was really good again this morning and they reduced my rate to 30, and increased my itime (the time is takes for a breath to be delivered) to .4 (instead of .35). My nurse was able to once again wean my O2 to 24% (23% when nurse Kelly left this morning)! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

My belly still looks good and is nice and soft with good bowel sounds, Nurse Kelly said my X-ray looked a little bit more improved today too! I didnโ€™t have a poop today but maybe Iโ€™ll surprise everyone later ๐Ÿ’ฉ

I really enjoyed my bath time with you guys last night and look forward to some snuggles today!
Love always

11:00am – Hospital

Asher is doing well and is still fighting his way back to where he was before the cold stress of the MRI trip. Today was very routine with no desats or bradys. All cultures are still negative, ABG levels are doing well, his O’s are being weaned consistently…

We’re blessed for the bounce back!!

He needs to be extubated ASAP to avoid any damage from his oxygen. Oxygen has major side effects and is now treated in hospitals as a drug. So they’re constantly watching it and weaning when he high-sats.

His journey is the most delicate balancing act we’ve ever seen. It’s truly a miracle than any of us are here…

Mom was able to get some quick hold time today too ๐Ÿ™‚


    2 replies to "Day 47 (31/2)"

    • Amanda Lecce

      Asher, you are getting bigger and stronger everyday! Jesus loves you and so do I ๐Ÿ’™

    • Auntie Amanda

      Asher, you are getting bigger and stronger everyday! Jesus loves you and so do I ๐Ÿ’™

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