8:34am – Text Message

Good morning mom and dad! I had an awesome night! Nurse Kelly gave me just 2 doses of Ativan bc I was in the mood to party, but she said no no Asher you need to rest so we can get rid of that tube…so I agreed and was a good boy!

Bc I listened she was able to wean not only my O2 to as low as 24% (currently at 26%) but my morning gas was good too and they weaned my rate to 35!

The results of my chest and tummy picture aren’t in yet but nurse Kelly thinks it looks a little bit better again today!
My nurse also retaped my tube last night bc it was getting a little loose with how rowdy I was being 🤪

Nurse Kelly talked to the doctor last night and stuck something in my booty, I gave her a weird look but I have a feeling it will make my tummy feel better! 🤞🏼🤞🏼for a big 💩!

I’m up to 2.5 pounds! I’m really porking up, hope you guys stocked the house with snacks!

I’m excited to see you both today and for bath time!

Love always,

8pm – Hospital: Bath Time With Mommy


Asher’s had a much better day with more improvement with his breathing…

He had some big time stool action so they were able to start him back on feeds…

We’re gonna run it slow this time: 1mL/hr continuous. We’re also advocating for no fortifier (for now) and using moms milk exclusively. We’ve experimented enough to know what’s best right now…

Tonight’s Weigh In: 1,170g (2lbs 9.27oz), which is up 20g from yesterday…

His head circumference is still the same at 25.5cm and is still soft…

His belly is nice and soft and still has great bowel sounds…

Still negative on cultures from his CSF 🙌🏻🙌🏻

He tested positive for e.coli yesterday and is being treated for that…

On the vent his pressure support is down to 10 and his fiO2 is at 33%. He’s inching his way closer and closer to extubation…

He’ll be on the two remaining antibiotics until the end of next week…

No bradys today/last night and only a few desats…

It’s been a very positive day…

We are truly blessed in every state of affairs 🙌🏻

    3 replies to "Day 46 (31/1)"

    • Matt’s mom/ Grandma Debbie

      “I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.”
      ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:1-3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    • GG

      That smile!! Did an angel tickle you? You are a miracle from God. I love you and I praise the Lord for you and the life you will have.

    • Auntie Amanda

      Most perfect smile ever, Asher! God bless you our sweet boy 💙

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