We came to the hospital much later in the evening today. We had friends come up for the weekend and we took a family day at the pool…

Balance in all things… or at least we’re trying 😕

Asher’s vitals have been swinging ever since being re-intubated. Unfortunately not too much change right now…

We did hang out with Kelly tonight. She brought in the board that she made for Asher and it’s pretty amazing!! 😍

    2 replies to "Day 43 (30/5)"

    • Karen Hein

      Dear Matthew
      Our daily prayers continue for your little fire cracker and your entire family. We were celebrating our granddaughters 26th birthday on the 4th of July when I got word from your wife’s Aunt Rose about the arrival of Asher. I immediately blasted prayer requests out for him. I so appreciate your blog so we can see how he is doing. He has so many prayer warriors. We will not stop, we know it is in God’s hands and your faith has been a beautiful witness to us all. May God bless you continue to keep you strong and courageous during this difficult journey. You are an amazing daddy and God’s plan is always bigger than we can imagine. Give your beautiful faith filled wife a hug as well and be assured of our continued prayers. Karen & all you California prayer warriors!

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