Happy One Month Asher!!!!

6:36am – Text Message From Kelly

“Good morning mom and dad! I had a really good night with no more episodes that make my nurse work real hard, even though I think it’s funny to watch her run around 😂

My morning gas was good and I don’t have another one till 10:00am…I’m even down to 32% O2 😎

I got my head ultrasound done this morning and I was a really good boy through it…the technician said she thinks my head is getting a little bit better, but we have to wait for the radiologist to read the images and write the report

I lost my peripheral IV this morning, my nurse tried to flush it and it wouldn’t work so she took it out, it feels good to not have so many tubes! 😄 but I still have my PICC line and my arterial line…

I tolerated my feeding overnight…I guess you could say I’m part of the clean plate club…I even had a bigggg poop overnight and my belly looks good!

This morning my nurse caught me doing some 70’s dance moves in my house…so she snapped some pictures for you guys to use as blackmail in the future!

Love you mom and dad and can’t wait to see you later today!”

And the rest of today’s report is shot because we’ve been high on being able to hold him 😍 will get back to you tomorrow 👍🏻

    2 replies to "Day 32 (29/1)"

    • Matt’s mom/ Grandma Debbie

      😂🎉🎉😂 Kelly is awesome. I laughed out loud at the “70’s dance moves”. Asher you are doing amazing and we love you so much!

    • Asher’s Grandma Rebecca

      Matt and Monica, I am so thankful that you were able to finally hold our precious Asher on his 1 month birthday. God has blessed you all with his protection and mercy. Asher is a testimony to our Savior’s sacrifice and love for us. I love you all so much and continue to pray for the complete healing of Asher.
      ❤️🙏🏻💙 Mom/Grandma

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