10:23am – Home

The pregnancy tracking app that we were using says that we have 12 weeks until Asher’s original due date…

That means 12 more weeks until we can expect to bring him home. Anything earlier is a gift…

As of late, our sleeping patterns have been completely off. Even going to bed at usual times (between 10p-12p) we’re now finding ourselves waking up anywhere between 8a-10a. It’s unusual for me because I’m typically up at 6am like clockwork…

It’s weird having my first cup of coffee at 10:30am…

2:45pm – Phone Call

Another really good night for Asher…


They increased his feeds to 3mL/hr today. They will review his stats tomorrow, making sure there’s minimal to no residuals before they begin fortification. He’s at the right volume so he’s “ready” as far as it goes today…

They still have him on a lipid IV, but will take him off the lipids when they do the next feed increase (to 4mL/hr)…

His midline slipped out last night. It’s 9 days old and due for replacement, so no worries there. However, they’re in no rush to replace it due to him doing so well the last few days…

They performed a second thyroid test today and confirmed that he is “hypo”. Hypothyroidism in preemies is very common…

“Because of delayed maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in preterm infants, thyroid dysfunction is common, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) elevation is often delayed in preterm infants.”BMC Pediatrics

They have started him on 3mcg of Synthroid to treat it. Many times preemies will be on Synthroid throughout their childhood. But through the maturation process, they can be weaned off to the point of no longer needing the medication…

His O2 saturation has been hitting high 90’s to 100 since we’ve been here (over the last 90min) so he’s pretty happy right now. When he hits these levels, they’re able to wean him down of the jet pressure and fiO2, which is great!!

It’s a balancing act, but it’s awesome to watch him progress…

“Check out my quick smile and watch me chew my tubes n stuff 😀“

    6 replies to "Day 26 (28/2)"

    • Mom

      I just love this little nugget so much!!!🥰🤗❤️

    • GG

      He is so cute. Goodness sakes alive. I can hardly wait for him to meet his cousin Elliott. My boys are going to be best buds. I am so grateful to God for the miracles we have all seen in the last 31/2 weeks.

    • Asher’s Grandma Rebecca

      Oh my goodness…look at that sweet smile! It warms my heart to see him growing and reacting to you. So in love with this sweet baby boy!! 💙💙

    • Laurie Fishman

      He looks so awesome!!! I love this journey you are gathering … you guys touch my heart ❤️
      Love me some daily Asher 🥰🥰😍

    • Mara

      Awwww, sweet boy 😍😍

    • Pat+Garcia

      Another of my favorite pictures/videos of Asher. Our Lord is giving you complete healing from head to toe.

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