3:56pm – Hospital

Asher had a pretty good day today…

Couldn’t wean on vent but did drop from 64 (last night) to 54 on fiO2. (Constant up and down)…

Still on morphine and Ativan. (Currently knocked out)…

Had 2 stools…

Brain Ultrasound: still no significant change from 7/20/21 exam.

Neurologist reported stable head circumference. 👍🏻👍🏻

He’s been irritable with his feeds so they haven’t increased volume yet. He’ll need to be at 3-3.5mL/hr before fortification can begin. Still little to no residuals…

From LP: pulled 4-5mL CSF. If biofire is negative (which it is), the cultures are normally negative. White cell counts are coming down in his brain as well (signaling a drop in inflammation/infection). According to the Dr, the CSF was “clear as clear can be”…

As of today we’ve had 24 hours of negative growths within CSF. Praying over 48hr and 72hr milestones for the same…

Treatment is 14 days long from 7/22 (ending 8/5/2021).

Asher’s lungs are still under developed. Steroid treatment (hydrocortisone) is 10 days and they typically see drastic results in 24/48 hours, allowing them to wean from the jet quickly. Dr says the hydrocortisone has a 90% success rate. Unfortunately, they cannot treat his lungs until the treatment for meningitis is complete on 8/5/2021…

Note: Betamethasone and Dexamethasone were once used for treating/preventing BPD but came with neural developmental side effects, thus potentially causing the same problems they’re intended to protect against. Hydrocortisone has been shown to be effective in reducing the FiO2, MAP, and PaCO2 while facilitating extubation. Hydrocortisone has not been associated with cerebral palsy, contrary to Dexamethasone.

He’s still feisty… a sign of things to come 😂

Please continue to pray for Asher’s lungs and brain, that they both be preserved while we anxiously wait…

    5 replies to "Day 25 (28/1)"

    • Mom

      That feistiness is going to carry him through!😂 Love you all!❤️

    • Gael Lecce

      This young man will settle for nothing but perfection. He is perfect.

    • Louis Hohl

      Indeed good Buddy !!! He’s fighter bro!!

    • Pat Garcia

      And the blessings continue. Praying for complete healing.

    • Auntie Amanda

      Love seeing those eyes, Asher! You are just perfect! Auntie loves you!

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