6:30pm – Hospital

Here’s a quick video of our little journey to Asher’s bed…

New video format. Androids and PC’s were not playing any of the other videos. Hope this works! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Asher had another great night!!

ABG, good. Crit, good. Platelets, good. Bowels & kidneys, good (2 movements last night)…

They performed the LP today and the prelim results for meningitis in the CSF are negative 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

His stomach was a little big yesterday, but seeing him today after all his feeds and 2 bowel movements, he’s back down to size with a nice and soft belly…

Speaking of food, they upped his feeds to 2.5mL/hr. They’re also fortifying the breast milk with nutrients to help him get some goodies processing in his gut…

An ounce of breast milk is 20 calories. With the fortification, it is bumped up to 22 calories/oz…

We did receive a phone call early this morning from our nurse Kelly from last nights shift. She was approved and agreed to be one of Asher’s primary nurses 😀…

He smiles with her… #ladykiller

His brain ultrasound was done today and results show no changes from previous ultrasound…

Again, we’ll take it…

Staying faithful and hopeful regardless of our daily reports.

“Jesus is not the bridge over troubled waters, but he can pull you through the troubled waters if you can stand the tow…”

We’re head over heals for this little guy 😍…

    6 replies to "Day 24 (28)"

    • Asher’s Grandma Rebecca

      So many blessings!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I’m so in love with this little boy. ❤️💙 Grow baby grow…
      Thanks for the walk to Asher’s bed. 🥰 I so wish I could visit him again. 😭

    • Mom

      Our sweet boy defying the odds.❤️🙌🎉 We love you, Asher!!!!

      God, you are so kind and gracious to us. Your steadfast love never fails us and your mercies never end.

    • Gael Lecce

      Our sweet boy. Thank you Lord for Your favor. Asher your GG loves you. Supreme Court Justice in your future. Anything is possible for you.

    • Auntie Amanda

      Asher, I just keep loving you more everyday! Watching you grow, helps Auntie to grow! 💙 I love you, sweet boy!

    • Anna Garcia

      This makes me super happy, I can only imagine how you guys feel. God is good and the power of prayer is like no other.. love you guys

    • Auntie Felicia

      Love you little Asher!!!

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