Asher is 3 weeks old!!



“Asher was scheduled for surgery twice… and yet God had other plans!” 🙌🏻🙌🏻

We are so thankful for God’s mercy, His grace, and blessing of healing that Asher has received!

11:30am – Phone Call

Asher had a great night…

This morning’s echo showed that the PDA has completely closed. All without ANY surgery. It’s truly a miracle that is much needed fuel for this journey!

As for the “bugs” mentioned yesterday, they are still showing NEGATIVE cultures. The meningitis results are still pending as he’s yet to receive his second LP…

The reason: he’s SUPER sensitive to any/all stimulation right now. Turning him on his side is one of the many things causing his vitals to go haywire. Initially when we were told he’d need the PDA ligation, they said that the first 48 hours after the surgery (closing the PDA) would be smooth sailing but often times after that preemies his size can bounce from one side of the spectrum to the next…

We (Monica & I) believe that this may be what’s happening with him since the PDA has closed on it’s own. If it is the case (which we won’t really know for sure) then his body is merely reacting to the update to his circulatory system…

At least it logically follows…

Whatever it is, we’ll take this victory to the bank!

Brain Update

Todays physical examination of his head still shows that his fontanelles are soft, his head has no swelling, no abnormal growth, and the rate of growth is still on track for a normal baby (1/2cm/wk)…

Since this has no cause for alarm, they’re focusing on the meningitis issue and making sure it’s clear/clearing up. He’ll be on a 14 day treatment for the meningitis. They will do physical exams every day but will do an head ultrasound after the meningitis treatment is complete…

3:36pm – At The Hospital Now

Asher is a miracle…

He has been tolerating touch all day. They reintroduced the PICC line with zero complications. The nurse said it didn’t bother him at all…

They also pulled his arterial line as it was leaking (and he doesn’t need it now that the PICC is in)…

His BP is under control and his O2 is down to 32% on the vent (down from 62% yesterday)…

Nurse said that the day has gone really well…

He’s currently sleeping with a scowl (sorry son, that’s from me 😂)…

We give God all the glory…

He has placed Asher with the right team and His providence has us watching His plan unfold right in front of our eyes…

I’ve always believed, but I have never seen anything like this…

God’s will be done…

    7 replies to "Day 22 (27/5)"

    • Erin Vega

      When I saw your name pop up on my phone my heart started racing. I cried and prayed before I even opened it. God is using you, Monica, Aiden and Asher in so many ways. Ashers life and your response is growing my faith. I love you all. Lord, thank you. #teamasher

    • Gael Lecce

      Oh my goodness!!!!! This is a miracle that we all have witnessed. Thank you Father. I am overjoyed.

    • Mom

      Thank you, great and merciful God. Your amazing grace continues to amaze!!!

      Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. — Romans 5:1-5

    • Louis George Hohl

      Praise Yah!!!! Good news!!! Let’s go buddy!!!!

    • Mara

      Yessss! God is sooo good! Such a though little fighter!! ♥️

    • Mom
      • Mom

        Blessings- by Laura Story

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