Where do we begin…

This year has been a wild ride full of joy and terror…

Asher’s had 10 brain surgeries since leaving the NICU last October. He’s had an abscess in his abdomen. He’s had COVID. He’s had ROP. He’s had more time spent in the hospital than being home…


He’s been to Disneyland. He took his first flight a few weeks ago to finally visit his future home in Texas. He loves swimming. He can sit up on his own for 20-30 seconds at a time. He loves peaches, avocado & watermelon. He is sleeping through the night. He hasn’t needed surgery for the last 90 days. He was cleared from all ROP. He has been cleared up to this point for NOT having cerebral palsy (another test comes when he starts walking). He’s no longer on oxygen. His new eye Dr says he’s structurally set to have perfect vision…

He’s also measuring in at 26.77″ long and weighs 14.5lbs…

Plus, he’s doing all the normal baby stuff that babies do and meeting so many of his milestones…

We still have a lot of work ahead of us…

But he’s here…

When Monica and I look back at how this all started it is mind boggling to us that Option #1 was to pull support at 2 weeks old and watch him die while option #2 was to keep support but do nothing and, essentially, watch him die…

Choosing Option #3 was our only option.

Our mindset was simple: if he’s going to die we’re going to fight to the death.

We’ve battled with Dr’s, hospital administrators, nurses, corporate execs, and anyone else who told us “we couldn’t do” what we knew needed to be done…

We have been blessed with an amazing support system of friends & family both locally and remotely. We have been blessed with nurses like Nurse Kelly (aunt Kelly now) and amazing doctors like Dr Bragg, Dr Lipsky, Dr Ramsay, Dr Wickens, and Asher’s entire in home care team…