
Asher is currently generating his own platelets so they’ve stopped the infusions. 

His red blood cells are still a little low so they’ll be giving him another transfusion today. 

His jaundice has come way down so they were able to take off his cool guy shades and remove the billy light. 

His weight has gone up 20 grams since birth.

Brain ultrasound came back with no changes, which is still good news for us. 

They did said they wanted a pediatric radiologist to look at the results vs the normal radiologist that looked at them today. The pediatric radiologist is looking at/for different things. 

He was removed from dopamine and can now regulate his own blood pressure. 

He will be getting 1ml of breast milk every 4 hours starting on Monday if his blood gas and red cells are stable. 

They will also be doing a PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) in the next 1-3 days and will be removing his umbilical lines. 

He’ll have the PICC for the duration of his stay (or as long as needed) for administering medications, blood, nutrition, etc. 

He’s urinating regularly and at great volumes so kidneys are functioning well. 

He’s 1 week today 😍😍😭😭

Monica’s up 12ml per pump too

Monica’s BP was at a much better reading today. 

We noticed that he has Monica’s/Aiden’s nose and eyebrows. 

He’s got dads pinky toes and moms crooked second toe on his right foot 😂