
Still no official word on when Asher will be discharged. Yesterday Dr Lipsky, along with Dr Wickens office, were working on a hybrid approach for getting Asher home sooner than later…

They’re working on getting pre-authorization from his insurance for him to be re-admitted to the NICU if he does in fact need the laser surgery for his eyes. If we can get the green light on that then Asher will be home sooner than this coming Wednesday…

If not, we’re hanging out until his insurance says “no more”…

In the mean time, here’s a video of Asher from yesterday 🙂

We’ll keep you updated as we get updates…

    3 replies to "Day 105 (39/3)"

    • amandalecce

      That face! Oh man, he is so CUTE! 💙

    • gaellecce

      Sweet boy. He’s a grunter. Me too!

    • Ortiz5

      Awww 🥰

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