Let the slumber party begin 😬

First things first:

Asher passed his hearing test!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

Story Time:

After we found out that Asher passed his hearing test, Kelly told us tonight that last night while doing his blood draw she knew he could hear.

Kelly had another nurse helping her during Asher’s blood draw. Asher wasn’t happy and was moving his eyes everywhere freaking out. The nurse said “Kelly, I think he’s looking for you.”

Kelly said his name and starting talking to him to calm him down. Asher turned his head towards Kelly, looked at her, and instantly calmed down 😍😭

Back to the test:

They were finally able to time his hearing test properly (in his swing after a full feed 😂). He was in a calm enough state to get everything they needed…

For our sleep over tonight we received a crash course in the medical equipment Asher will be coming home with. He’ll be on the equipment tonight so we can get accustomed to the next phase in Asher’s Journey…

Next morning:

We made it! 😴

Asher didn’t cause any trouble throughout the night. He didn’t like being woken up for feeds and changing, but outside of that he was very chill. We could hear him wake up, or an alarm would go off throughout the night, and he would soothe himself back to sleep…

We also did his car seat test… he passed that too! 😬

    5 replies to "Day 101 (38/6)"

    • Gary Roll

      That’s such amazing and wonderful news!! Looks like he’ll be home soon!

    • Nana Debbie


    • TitiCrystal

      Yay!!!!! He looks sooo stinkin cute in his car seat!

    • GG

      One eye test to go!! then home. Praise God. My peaceful warrior is amazing. GG loves you.

    • kellymaxfield

      That is amazing news, I’m so so happy!!!❤️😀🎊🥳

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