We’re so close to graduation…

Mom and I are looking forward to our slumber party with Asher on Monday night 😬

He’s having another great day today!

Asher was supposed to have a hearing screening today but every time they’ve come by he’s been eating or in the middle of cares. They need him to basically be asleep in order to run the test…

He has a new weight today: but mums the word because we’ve got a contest on who can guess Asher’s weight & height when he’s discharged…

What do you think? Leave your guess the comments section below!

Dr Lipsky said that we’re waiting on his final eye exam this coming Wednesday. If Dr Snyder feels like there needs to be intervention, he’ll call Dr Wiggins over (retina specialist) to have a second look. If they decide that they need to intervene, Asher will be intubated and rushed into surgery within 24 hours of diagnosis…

This would set his NICU graduation date back 1-2 weeks…

We’re praying for complete regression of his ROP so he can come home…

May God’s will be done, no matter the outcome…

1:09pm – Phone Call: Hospital

Asher’s social worker called to say hi and to see how we were doing. She’s always been so sweet to us! She’s pretty excited for Asher’s graduation next week!

So are we!

    5 replies to "Day 99 (38/4)"

    • debbieroll1@yahoo.com

      5lb 11oz. 16.5”

    • gaellecce

      6lbs. 18″

    • kellymaxfield

      I love the wonderful news and watching him grow! Such a strong strong boy!!! I love your faith in God. God is always good. No matter what the outcome. I admire that in you.

    • amandalecce

      Praying for his eyes! Whole and healed! BTW….5lbs 9oz, 18 inches long.

    • garyroll

      5lbs 10oz 17”

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