This morning has started off great! He went from ventilator to the wall, SKIPPING the Hi-Flow stage. He’s currently sitting at 1L/min with 25% O2, which are his LOWEST settings to date…

Dr Lipsky is wanting to do a room air test soon to determine if he’ll be coming home on oxygen or not…

We think theres a chance he wont have to because of his weaning, size, last chest x-ray that looked great, and the fact that he was immediately satting in the mid 90’s once he was moved to the wall O2…

Nurse Kelly was able to get Asher to lay on his left side (new shunt area) last night while he was in his swing. He was so irritable last night so Kelly gave him some Tylenol to help ease some of his perceived pain…

Shortly after he received the Tylenol, we went to put him back in his bed and noticed that he had a pressure ulcer where his right shunt is…

With all of his discomfort last night, shaking his head in a “no” direction pretty consistently, and him only being able to relax in very awkward positions all made sense after we saw the pressure ulcer (could also be a simple โ€œrug burnโ€) ๐Ÿ˜•

Poor guy…

At least we caught it…

Dr Bragg & Dr Ramsey both looked at it to confirm our suspicion. Well, suspicion confirmed. They immediately did a full blood panel to make sure he he didn’t have an infection (Results Pending). They will be treating it with MediHoney ointment (the same ointment Monica used for her gun shot wounds from Route 91). It works REALLY well…

They’ve also started him on a three day antibiotic treatment “just in case” there is any infection from the pressure ulcer…

Note: Kelly noticed the wound 2 days before we did and reported it. Dr Ramsey didnโ€™t think anything of it but as you can clearly see, itโ€™s a cause for concern:

They also “broke NICU rules” today and are allowing him to lie prone in his bed while he heals. They’ll be alternating between prone in bed and upright in his swing. He can lie on his back in the swing because the pressure is moved to his bottom and taken off of his head…

Kelly said that he slept for a solid 5 hours without any interruption after receiving the Tylenol and being put in his swing. He was tired ๐Ÿ™

He hasn’t had a stool yet so they’ll be giving him an enema tonight…

He’ll be getting a new nasal cannula and new face dressing tonight after bath time. (Mom & I will be there later tonight for bath time)…

Like the “bad-boy” he is, he ripped his feeding tube out last night.


I know he needs it…

But as a dad, it kinda makes me proud that he (whether consciously or not) goes against “the system” at such a young age ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Pray for me ๐Ÿ˜‚

His feeds have been going well today and we should be able to bottle feed him tonight! His hunger pangs are REAL!

With everything thats going on right now, we believe they’re pushing to get him home in the next couple of weeks…

We’re praying its all with perfect timing; not too soon, not too late…

May God’s will continue to be done in our sons life…

Also, I told Aiden today that when Asher gets home “no one gets to hold Asher until you hold Asher first.” He was excited and definitely felt proud with his big brother rights. His smile was priceless…

QUICK UPDATE: heโ€™s down to room air on his O2 setting as Iโ€™m typing this at 8:52pm ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

He also just pounded a 45mL bottle in record time

Milk drunk ๐Ÿ˜

    6 replies to "Day 95 (38)"



    • amandalecce

      Such great news!!! ๐Ÿ’™

    • Patarmenta

      He’s so adorable. Keep the great news coming!

    • Fishmanetc

      Love him!!! Strong warrior!!

    • gaellecce

      What a champion Warrior!!

    • Protaje99

      So so Good to hear!!!

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