Asher is 3 months old today!!

Its crazy how time flies…

Morning Update

Asher had another great night! Nurse Kelly was able to wean him down to 21% O2, which is room air! They are moving him to CPAP setting today to see how he tolerates it…

His chest and abdomen xray looked great this morning so Dr Ramsey is trusting Nurse Kelly’s judgement on allowing him to start feeds again! Dr Ramsey said “what a difference primary nursing makes…”

We know 🙂

Feeds will be 1/3 of full volume to start…

8:11pm – Hospital

Asher is not happy…

We came to celebrate his 3 month milestone and he’s, well, pissed…

Beat red, screaming, squirming…

Poor guy… we think he wants FOOD!

His weight is down tonight to under 5lbs again. Much of the loss is from the diuretic…

His dosage of phenobarbital has been lowered…

They’ve also discontinued the synthroid for his thyroid (hypo). His levels were a little high this morning so they’re going to keep an eye on them…

The shape of his poor little head is interesting to say the least. He’s definitely going to need a helmet casted to get his head as round as possible. With the shunts in place, fluid being removed, and favoring weird sides when he sleeps, it’s not the cute little round head he had when he was delivered 😕

For his feeds, he’ll be increased to 2/3 full volume tomorrow…

    3 replies to "Day 94 (37/6)"


      Love you so much, Asher!❤️ We’re so proud of you.🤗

    • Protaje99

      Finally able to read these!!!! You got this lil dude!

    • gaellecce

      Lumpy or bumpy doesn’t mean I will love him any less. I love those little helmets. I think you can customize them.

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