11:00am – Phone Call: Dr Update

Dr Lipsky called and said that Asher’s having another great day! He’s been tolerating his 1L of O2 very well. She said they’ll be weening him down to .5L tomorrow and possibly testing him out with room air…

He did lose approx 60g from last weigh in, which isn’t good. However, with his nippling he’s been working hard and burning lots of calories…

I wish I could lose weight by eating 😂

12:00pm – Hospital

Dr Bragg came by today and said that everything is still looking good. She did confirm that there is a chance he may go home without the shunt while keeping the reservoir…

The beauty of the reservoir is that it’s easily accessible and can be tapped at a moments notice if there’s an emergency…

We found out today that Dr Bragg has a clinic clear across town from Sunrise…

Which is a couple blocks from our home 🙌🏻

We’ll be seeing her once a week and will have easier access to her if anything comes up. All imaging, however, will have to be done here at Sunrise…

We started rotating Asher’s feed: 1 formula, 1 fortified breast milk…

So far, he’s tolerated the formula well…

We’ve also introduced him to mommy’s breasts (not feeding just yet, but partially latching, licking, etc). This has helped mom increase milk production by and extra 2oz/day…

And last but not least, here’s the video from Day 75 of his first full feed 😍


1:30pm – Mommy’s First Feed

Watch Asher devour 33ml in 10 minutes with Mom 😍😎

    4 replies to "Day 78 (35/4)"

    • debbieroll1@yahoo.com

      So precious…

    • amandalecce

      Such a good eater, Asher! Good job! 💙

    • gaellecce

      Oh my goodness. So sweet.

    • jtramirez

      Yay! Way to go Asher!

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