Asher was able to feed from a bottle for the first time today!

He was able to drink 5mL (0.16oz) without aspirating! He did have to pause to breathe and swallow, BUT he was able to swallow!!!!

We will make another attempt tomorrow. Repetition is the mother of all skill…

Neuro wants to do another EEG to see how things are going in that brain of his. As of today, he’s gone 11 days without needing a tap from the reservoir…

Also, we have about a week left of his antibiotic treatment…

He’s making big poops on his own and is now up to 30mL over a 45min feeding window. Its surreal to be here in this moment…

Hi flow O2 is still going well. He’s still at 2L/min and his ABG tests have gone from multiple times a day to twice a week!

His hemoglobin was a little low from yesterdays labs. They’re waiting to see if his bone marrow can regenerate the hemoglobin on its own, otherwise he’ll need a blood transfusion. They will run labs tomorrow to confirm…

We also met the new Neonatologist today. She’s covering Asher’s pod today…

We’re blessed to have Asher for another day. God has been so gracious to us…

    3 replies to "Day 74 (35)"

    • gaellecce

      He is so smart!! Amanda said that he even had a burp☺☺ He is a champion. God has great things in store for this precious baby boy. Love to all❤❤

    • amandalecce

      That’s such a good boy! I bet your tum tum feels nice and full! Love you, Asher 💙

    • Shamm9822

      So exciting!!! God will continue to help Asher!!! Our prayers are with you all always!

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