Catching up from taking yesterday off. Mom & I had a big meeting we needed to handle so we weren’t able to write an update…

Some very cool things have happened over the last couple of days…

7:39pm – Hospital

We’ve had 3 days of really good updates on Asher!!

First, he’s been weaned down to a pressure of 4 on his respiratory settings, which is the lowest they go! Tomorrow (Sunday), the ventilator will no longer be at his bedside as he won’t need the pressure anymore. He’ll be receiving hi-flow oxygen exclusively, which is a major victory!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

They changed his feeding schedule two days ago from a continuous feed to receiving a full feed in 2.5 hours. He’s been weaned down to receiving full feeds in 1.5 hours over the last 48 hours and is tolerating it VERY well!

The goal is to get him down to consuming a full feed in 30 minutes…

He’s a pooping rockstar too!!

Starting Monday, they’ll begin working on nippling so he can then transition into bottle feeding 😍

The milestone he needs to achieve: he’ll need to be able to suck, breathe and swallow simultaneously…

Neuro is still waiting on doing anything in regards to a shunt. They’re watching him and checking his head every day to make sure that he is well…

We give thanks to our Lord for the mercy he’s had on our sons life!!

    3 replies to "Day 71 (34/4)"


      That smile for Kelly🥰 what a precious moment! And he is strong. Lifting his head up during tummy time is a very big deal! Way to go Asher! We love you!🤗❤️ Praising you Lord for this beautiful baby and every victory. 🙌

    • gaellecce

      Oh my goodness sweet sweet boy. Thank you Lord for healing this baby. He will do great things.

    • amandalecce

      Perfect in every way 💙

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