It’s a beautiful morning here in Las Vegas. The weather is perfect, Asher’s doing really well, and breakfast burritos & coffee are on the menu…

8:30am – Phone Call: Dr Update

Dr Lipsky called and told us that Asher’s doing well. They’re upping his feeds to 9mL/hr today. After he shows tolerance of that volume, they’ll then begin fortification with the Prolacta. They’re going to start slow with the 22kcal and work their way up slowly…

He’s grown so much with the breast milk and TPN. We pray that this fortification process will be beneficial to him, especially now that we have the BEST fortifier available for him…

They’ve also been able to ween his respiratory support even more over the last 24 hours…

The Vaccine Conversation came up again today. We knew it would be and we were ready this time. We don’t think Dr Lipsky was happy with our decision, but, with all of the evidence we’ve reviewed, the consults from other Drs, and the CDC tracking data, we’re currently not willing to have any vaccines administered. The benefits do not outweigh the risks in this case nor at this time…

We’re praying that we don’t lose support from our team with our decision…

But even if we do, we’ll continue to advocate for Asher with everything in our beings…

Don’t be mistaken; this isn’t a rebellious act of blind faith. My wife & I both value and heavily take into consideration empirical evidence. It would, however, be blind faith to simply commit ourselves to an appeal to authority and let them execute his vaccine schedule without conclusive empirical evidence of their absolute safety. Not to mention, he’s not even “of age” to receive the vaccines he’s scheduled for. The discussion of his first round shouldn’t even be until mid December as he’s not supposed to be here yet…

Also, we are NOT saying that the professionals in charge of Asher’s care don’t have his best interest in mind. They do. Nor our we claiming ignorance on their part and superiority of knowledge on ours. Our team has been amazing thus far. We are truly blessed to have them! They’ve saved Asher’s life multiple times. But we’ve looked at the studies for everything they’ve said they were going to do (outside of emergency measures happening in the moment), have educated ourselves on the risks & benefits of proposed treatments, and have given consent accordingly…

Asher’s been through enough in his first two months being out of his mother’s womb 16 weeks early. For us, there isn’t any evidence that vaccines don’t have the ability to cause harm (if there is, send it. We’ll follow the truth wherever it takes us). There are also $4.3 billion in claims that have been paid out by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund that say the same…

    1 Response to "Day 65 (33/5)"

    • Jessica

      You do what’s best for you and your family! No loss of support here. We are a family of mixed vaccine status. That was a personal choice, as well as a family decision, and who’s to say how it will affect us in the end. No one knows. It’s still too new. Only you live in your body; you take care of it to the best of your ability. Love you guys!

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